Visual education aids such as video are great tools both in the classroom and in research. Video transcription service companies provide the text of the video, enabling search of the transcript and the video in one place. This allows users to locate all the reliable content they need faster, providing more time for focus on analysis and learning.
The benefits of using video in the classroom are:
- Allows students to digest lecture content at their pace and study content more deeply in the class
- Promotes thinking and problem solving
- Enables students to develop research skills, collaborative working, problem solving, technology, and organisational skills
- Helps in communicating facts or demonstrating procedures by allowing a student to view complex clinical or mechanical procedures repeatedly if necessary
- Modern web-based media players come with interactive features that can be used to engage students
Educational videos improve the learning experience and motivate students. They offer the opportunity for a deeper understanding of the subject and enable them to improve communication skills.
According to a recent EdSurge News report, with video conferencing and virtual education increasing in popularity across the community college landscape, experts are thinking on how to best serve students with disability or language needs. The report says that educators and administrators at SUNY Nassau Community College in New York often consider closed captioning technologies to achieve this.
“Developing captions and interactive transcripts…helps to improve outcomes for all students. We often serve students who negotiate a variety of literacy challenges…,” said one instructor.
Providing both transcripts and captions allows users to access content from a video in alternate formats. In learning environments, this enhances a resource’s accessibility requirements as well as supports universal design for learning (UDL). However, transcripts are different from captions in certain ways:
- Captions appear on the screen along with the audio and video, and follow the same timing. They exist within the video player, and typically cannot be referenced outside of the video. On the other hand, a transcript has the same word-for-word content as captions, but it is provided as a separate document, which could be a text file, word processing document, PDF, or web page.
- A transcript can also be time indexed and used to generate captions for a video. This would have a discrete unit of time and the spoken audio within that time frame would be very similar to a caption.
The transcript of a video can be easily produced from a script, if the scripting of the video was done before production. However, if the video was not scripted, the best option would be to have an audio transcription service provider convert the audio from the video into typed words.