Dissertation Transcription

MOS Legal Transcription Service
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Transform your ideas into text with reliable dissertation transcription services!
As a leading transcription service provider in the U.S., MOS Legal Transcription Service has helped hundreds of students to successfully compile their theses and dissertations and achieve their academic goals. We understand that dissertation writing is a challenging task that involves developing ideas, researching, conducting interviews, compiling and organizing and polishing the content into an acceptable report. Audio files of interviews and lectures can take a long time to listen to and convert into text.

Our reliable dissertation interview transcription services will enable you to focus on your research and other core tasks. Whether you need to document seminars, webcast downloads, lectures, or interviews, our professional team can provide error-free transcripts of the audio and video recordings in real time.

Maximize your academic focus with expert dissertation transcription services!

For a Free Trial, Call us at (800) 670-2809!

Comprehensive Dissertation Transcription Services

Research interviews
Lecture notes
Press clippings
Internet downloads
Student notes

Powerpoint presentations

Discussion notes

Seminar write-ups

Research papers
Meeting recordings
Focus group audio
Our experienced transcribers are dedicated to providing timely, confidential, and high-quality transcription solutions, while you focus on the essence of your research.

Utilizing the skilled manpower available in our offshore locations allows us to keep costs down and provide cost-effective academic transcription solutions without compromising quality and accuracy.

Transcription Services

Dissertation Transcription Process – Steps

Process Posters
Our dissertation transcription process is designed to ensure accuracy, confidentiality, and efficiency. Skilled transcriptionists with expertise in academic content transcribe recorded interviews, focus groups, or any other research-related audio into text format.
We prioritize maintaining the integrity of the research data, adhere to strict confidentiality protocols, and deliver timely and
precise transcriptions to support researchers in their academic endeavors.


Highlights of Our Dissertation Transcription Service
  • Verbatim transcription
  • Qualified and experienced transcriptionists
  • 3-tier quality assurance policy
  • Complete document flow management
  • Can meet any turnaround time demands
  • Local customer representatives
  • No long-term yearly contracts to sign
  • Electronic signature
  • Time coding/stamping if required
  • 30 to 40% cost savings
Dictation Options
  • Flexible dictation options – digital recorder, toll-free number, secure cell phone dictation and conference call recordings.
  • Safe file transfer options – secured FTP, browser-based drop box or 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) protocols.
Highlights of Our
Dissertation Transcription Service
Dictation Options
  • Verbatim transcription
  • Qualified and experienced transcriptionists
  • 3-tier quality assurance policy
  • Complete document flow management
  • Local customer representatives
  • Can meet any turnaround time demands
  • No long-term yearly contracts to sign
  • Electronic signature
  • Time coding/stamping if required
  • 30 to 40% cost savings
  • Flexible dictation options – digital recorder, toll-free number, secure cell phone dictation and conference call recordings.
  • Safe file transfer options – secured FTP, browser-based drop box or 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) protocols.


Can I request specific formatting or style preferences for my transcripts?

Absolutely! We customize our services to meet your specific formatting and style requirements, ensuring your transcripts align with your preferences.

How do you ensure the confidentiality of my research data?
We implement stringent security protocols, including encryption and access controls, ensuring the utmost confidentiality throughout the entire transcription process.
What if I need revisions to my transcripts?
We welcome client feedback. If revisions are necessary, we incorporate your input promptly to ensure your complete satisfaction with the final transcripts.
Are your transcriptionists familiar with academic terminology?
Yes, our experienced transcriptionists are well-versed in academic terminology, ensuring accurate and precise transcriptions tailored to your dissertation needs.

Do you have any questions? Contact us at (800) 670-2809!

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We are available at (800) 670-2809 to support you.
