Presentations Transcription

MOS Legal Transcription Service
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Legal entities use PowerPoint presentations to convey complex concepts of certain cases in more effective terms. These need to be transcribed for professional presentation of information in courts. MOS Legal Transcription Service offers comprehensive transcription services for a variety of legal presentations. Based in Tulsa, Oklahoma, we have more than a decade’s experience in providing support for the legal industry. We offer presentations transcription services for all legal areas including real estate, family, personal injury, business, corporate, and criminal law.

Check out our free trial offer. Call (800) 670-2809 today.

Reliable Transcripts of Legal Presentations

Well-versed in legal terminology and legal matters, our team of qualified and trained legal transcriptionists can provide state-of-the-art transcription solutions for:
  • Trial presentations
  • Courtroom presentations
  • Hearings
  • PowerPoint presentations
  • Presentations in other software packages
Our transcribers are also skilled in gleaning the details of a video. They use the most modern advanced software that facilitates data capture, the actual transcription process, and subtitling. MOS’ professional transcriptionists edit audio and video transcripts, leaving out unrelated matters, false starts, unnecessary words, and filler phrases to ensure more clarity for the content. They fix grammar mistakes, slang and non-standard language to provide clear and legible documents.

Each transcript is edited by legal experts to ensure a high accuracy rate. Our secure file upload/download service can be used to send and receive confidential or large files. Your information stays safe and protected with data encryption. You can also send us your presentation files on DVD or by email.

Why Choose MOS for Legal Transcription Services?

Our legal transcription services are accurate, timely, and secure. We work as part of your team to provide you with many benefits:

  • Three-level quality assurance
  • Transcriptions done domestically or internationally
  • No charge for headers, footers, underlining or bolding
  • Document flow management software
  • Customized turnaround times (anywhere from 24 hours or less)
  • 24/7/365 technical support
  • Data security and confidentiality
  • Competitive pricing
Mos Transcription Service company

For more information about our presentations transcription services, dial (800) 670-2809.

Contact Us Now and Get a Free Trial on our Legal Transcription Services.

We are available at (800) 670-2809 to support you.
