Tips to Produce a Professional, Engaging Podcast

by | Published on Jan 22, 2019 | Podcast Transcription

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More and more people are listening to podcasts, making this medium a powerful tool for businesses to build their brand and engage with their audience. Business transcription companies add value to podcasts by providing text files of the audio, which when posted online, can help more people enjoy the content. Paying attention to some aspects can help you produce professional, engaging podcasts.

  • Choose the right microphone to ensure good audio quality: To improve the quality of the recordings, you need to use microphone polar patterns effectively. The term polar pattern refers to how sensitive the microphone is to sound waves coming in from different directions. A cardioid microphone picks up sounds directly in front of it and is a good option if the studio is not sound proof. On the other hand, the omnidirectional mic picks up sound equally from all directions, but cannot be focused away from undesirable noises. The bidirectional pattern picks up sound in front of the microphone and from behind, and can shared with two speakers sitting across from each other. Understanding microphone options will help you choose the best one for your needs. If you are recording multiple speakers, use a multi-mic setup to capture the audio.
  • Use the proper mic technique: Speaking into a microphone requires special techniques. Even with the most expensive microphones and equipment, not using proper mic techniques can ruin your podcast. It is important to learn how to control proximity effect and use it your advantage. Proximity effect refers to the increase of bass frequencies as a directional microphone comes closer to the sound source. Pop filters and proper mic technique can minimize vocal effects like P and F sounds which create a varying degree of air movement.
  • Pay attention to the recording area: The area where you record can have a significant impact on your podcast. The best option is to choose a quiet place that will limit sound from carrying or reverberating. Rooms with lots of reflective surfaces such as glass or tiled surfaces will create echoes. To deal with troublesome bouncing sound waves, record your podcast in a small room with carpeting, drapes, or bookshelves, or anything that will limit the amount of reverberation.. Before recording, don’t forget to turn off your phone and AC, and put your computer/tablet notifications on snooze. Nevertheless, the most natural sound will likely be one that maintains a balance, a little reflection and a lot of soft surfaces to dampen echoes.
  • Speak properly: Don’t speak too fast. The goal should be to deliver your content effectively so that your audience absorbs it. Experts recommend using pregnant pauses to highlight key messages. Listen to your recording and work to develop a natural speaking, confident tone that is pleasant to listen to.
  • Avoid over-editing: It’s important to edit your audio, but don’t overdo it. According to, there are three things to avoid when editing your podcast:
    • Don’t cut out all the breaths and replace them with just silence
    • Don’t trim out all natural pauses or gaps in a conversation – pauses can speak volumes
    • Don’t let edits take the flow out of the conversation
  • Post transcripts: Podcast transcription will help more people engage with your podcast. Business transcription service companies turn audio/video recordings into text and posting that content along with the podcast will allow people who don’t have the time to listen or those with hearing impairments to enjoy it. Transcripts also offer search engine optimization (SEO) benefits. It’s also important to direct your podcast audience to your website. According to, the best option is to direct people to the show notes on your website. Show notes are a set of links, summaries, episode transcripts, and/or other helpful resources related to a specific episode. These are great resource for your audience, as they allow them to find all they need in one one place.

Finally, take steps to increase podcast involvement. Know your audience and when they are most active on social media. This will allow you to target them with your posts and engage them. You also need to be as active as possible on social media, and comment on other users’ posts and follow their Facebook, Instagram and Twitter accounts. Including a call-to-action (CTA) is also important. In other words, you should invite people to leave a comment on your episode. The idea is to encourage them to spend more time on your post.

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