How to Use Transcription to Repurpose Your Web Content

by | Published on Oct 27, 2015 | Transcription Services

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Repurpose Your Web ContentContent is the most important factor in a website, and good content helps enhance the appeal of your website and ensure excellent marketing through it. Existing content must be maximized for future use so that it remains fresh and interesting. One way of rejuvenating content is by repurposing it.

How to repurpose content? Suppose you have interesting audio or video content. You can modify this into electronic text documents via audio/video transcription and distribute it across multiple platforms. You can create a textual archive of video recordings of meetings, student lessons, training programs, talk shows, TV commentary or any other interactions.

For example, the BBC website converts their video interviews and radio broadcasts into text format on their site to make it user friendly. Video and audio transcripts help search engines to find your content easily. Transcripts can be creatively reused as blog posts, presentations, newsletters or even whitepapers.

What Content to Repurpose for Optimal Results

So is it practical to repurpose all content? Transcription of video and audio is tedious and time consuming, so the best alternative is to consider repurposing topics of lasting interest.

  • Consider giving new life to such content available in video/audio formats by transcribing it and making it available on various platforms to a larger audience.
  • When posting the modified transcripts as articles, blogs, and so on, you can add interesting visuals. Take the screenshot of some of the slides from your videos and use them in your transcribed content.
  • For podcast transcriptions that you are using, make use of photos of the speakers or some other related pictures.

Now let us think of another way of reusing content and obtaining tangible benefits. You can convert an interesting article or blog into a video and include transcribed captions. It is important to include a complete transcript of your video when you post it on YouTube or insert it within your blog. And the benefit? It will enhance user experience while also allowing search engine spiders to crawl the page and understand your content. When you repurpose good content, there is every possibility that it will be shared across various social media platforms. This will help you to be in the good books of Google and achieve higher ranking.

Give that Much Needed “Lift” to Your Content

Effective transcription can work wonders. It will help you derive maximum benefit from your content when using it for business marketing. Find content on your website that may be more effective when repurposed and utilize specialized transcription services for the best results.

One of the best ways of integrating transcription into your customer service is by having your training or product videos transcribed and reused as informative training guides that can be downloaded and saved for reference and future use.

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