How Can General Transcription Service Help Businesses?

by | Published on Jan 10, 2017 | General Transcription

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General Transcription ServiceBusiness meetings, interviews, conferences and seminars, phone calls, video presentations, conferences, speeches, webinars and podcasts are all vital elements in any business organization and play an important role when it comes to data mining and decision making. The audio recordings of these must be transcribed accurately for easy reference and sharing, for which most businesses employ a general transcription service provider. Readily available transcripts help them keep an account of all the decisions made during the meetings and also use it for future reference. Financial institutions, academia, media, religious organizations and government agencies among many other entities utilize the service of general transcription providers.

To find out how general transcription service can be of use to businesses, let us consider an example. Take for instance a land surveying company with a good track record that focuses on providing personalized and professional approach to its clients. Land surveying companies provide a variety of services for residential and commercial property developers, helping them to plan and organize the developing process, taking into account the layout of the land. They also help to establish property ownership and define boundaries owned by each person. As with any business, here also efficiency is most important for success.

In a company such as the above, the team typically spends a lot of time away from the office undertaking valuations, property assessments, meeting with clients, doing rent reviews, building surveys and so on. When they get back to the office, they may have to do a lot of typing – transcribing the recordings of the day. In such a scenario, a general transcription company can be of assistance. They will provide the service of transcriptionists who can transcribe in real time or later according to client preferences. With this service the team can dictate on the go and have the transcripts by the time they return to the office. Of course, this can be done with office-based transcriptionists as well, but the better option is to use external resources especially when the demand for transcription proves too great for the office-based typists, or when they are too busy with customer service work.

In this “mobile” age, the office team can also use smartphones and advanced digital dictation apps to dictate their reports, notes and evaluations in real time out of the office. For a land surveying business, speed of response is critical if they are to maintain excellent client service. This speed and efficiency can be ensured with the support of an external general transcription service provider.

What advantages can such an outsourcing model offer?

  • The office team can closely track the progress of each transcription from the secure server to the typist and QA team to the encrypted return of the transcripts.
  • All files marked urgent will be given priority.
  • The client can decide on the turnaround time, which will be strictly met.
  • The transcriptionists can work directly within the systems of the land surveying company to make sure that sensitive information never leaves the company servers.
  • Maximum quality and security are assured.

Hiring a professional general transcription company is beneficial for almost any business. It ensures that clients do not have to invest in infrastructure, technology, equipment and employees for the tasks of recording and transcribing. Organizations can maintain accurate and up-to-date official records on a regular basis.

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