Good Digital Recorders are Important for Quality of Group Transcription

by | Published on Oct 10, 2014 | Focus Group Transcription

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A focus group discussion is an important research tool. The participants discuss a particular topic and express their views, which provide the researcher with an insight into these opinions. The results of a focus group can have important implications for bringing about changes. It is also a good method to use before designing questionnaires for surveys. Focus group transcription involves the documentation of these discussions. Quality digital recording is crucial to the preparation of the final report.

Once a decision is taken on the subject, venue and number of participants, you have to think about the recording of the session. A digital recorder with internal microphones is a good option as the user can modify the microphone functions based on the changes in recording conditions. When handling larger group recordings, audio quality can be enhanced using external microphones. When recording in a potentially noisy environment, equipment with proper noise cancellation and voice filter functions helps ensure crystal clear playback of the content, which is a pre-requisite for accurate and timely transcription.

Flexibility in power sources is of great relevance when it comes to choosing recording equipment. A reliable device would come with a power adapter and backup battery. The recorder should be able to record in accessible and compatible audio formats such as .wma, .mp3, .aif, .m4a or .ds2. Leading transcription companies accept and transcribe audio files in all of these formats and more. Noise cancellation and voice filter functions are other features to look for. Olympus digital recorders are a widely preferred choice for their convenience and flexibility.

A professional transcription company can help with recording and documenting the final report of your focus group. Some companies offer a digital recorder free of cost for clients with volume transcription requirements. In addition to recording tips and multi-level quality checks for top accuracy in the final transcripts, the right service provider would also offer secure file sharing options.

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