8 At-Home Video Conferencing Mistakes to Avoid

by | Published on Jul 7, 2020 | Media Transcription

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Video Conferencing

At-home video conferencing is one of the major tools that organizations across the globe are now using for workplace interactions. Online transcription service providers support businesses by ensuring timely and accurate documentation of these critical audio-visual conversations. However, there are several issues that can affect real-time videoconferencing from home. Here are 8 mistakes to avoid when you’re in a video meeting.

  • Not having sufficient bandwidth for a video call: To conduct a video call effectively, you need an internet connection that has the speed to carry the stream of video frames in high quality. High definition video uses up a great deal of data. Even if you have all the equipment need for high-def video calling, you wouldn’t get clear, bright, crisp video without proper bandwidth. So, what counts as sufficient bandwidth? Skype recommends 300 kbps for simple video calling, 500 kbps for a high-quality call and at least 1.2 Mbps for a HD video one-to-one conversation. Zoom recommends an upload and download bandwidth of 1.2 mbps per second for a one-on-one 720p video call and 1.8Mbps for Full HD (1080p) video conferencing.
  • Not testing the equipment and settings in advance: It’s always a good idea to test your technology ahead of time. Test your camera and microphone ahead of your virtual conference. Plug in all the cables, and authorize and enable everything that you need to in advance so that you don’t keep people waiting. Scheduling a test with a friend can help identify any audio and/or video issues. Ensure that the light is focused towards you, and does not come from behind your head or from one side.
  • Being late: Never be late for your video conference – it can be seen as extremely unprofessional. Be prepared, have your technology in place, do all your testing beforehand and log in punctually. If you want to show people that you take them seriously, don’t be late. In fact, the best way to make an impression is to get there early.
  • Not optimizing video camera placement: You need to determine the ideal camera height and placement. Not adjusting the height of your computer or phone would make it seem as if you’re “looking away”, says a Forbes article. The report recommends following the video production ‘rule of thirds’. Imagine the screen as divided into thirds vertically and horizontally, and adjust its height in a way that your eyes appear on the top line and you are in the middle column. Make sure your ceiling doesn’t show up on the screen.
  • Not dressing professionally: Dressing casually for a video meeting is a big mistake even when you’re working from home. Looking well-groomed and professional is important to show that the meeting matters. Employees, no matter what profession they’re in, perform tasks better when they wear clothes that have “symbolic meaning, according to a study from Northwestern University (cnbc.com). And don’t forget to check out your appearance in your own webcam before the meeting begins!
  • Not paying attention to your setting: Make sure your background setting is totally distraction free and quiet throughout your conference. Keep your microphone on mute until you speak and avoid talking over people. Headphones can help block unwanted background noises. Close all unimportant applications and stop downloads and backups.
  • Multitasking: Not focusing on the meeting is another problem associated with video conferencing from home. This is not the time to check email, check social media news feeds, or engage in other work that’s not related to the meeting. Stay focused and avoid multitasking.
  • Not having proper video call security measures: Meeting organizers need to take measures to ensure cyber security, prevent unknown attendees from crashing in, and better control the session. Recommendations from KPMG include requiring passwords for all meetings, having the host control admittance, locking the call after all participants join, being vigilant about dial-ins from unknown numbers, establishing alerts when meetings invites are forwarded by email, limiting file sharing in chat, and using an enterprise license for greater control over employee use.

Most video platforms provide real-time recordings and transcripts of meetings. Video transcription services are available to ensure that the documentation meets the accuracy standards required business documentation.

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