6 Best Tips for Market Research Firms to Choose the Right Transcription Services

by | Published on Sep 20, 2022 | Business Transcription

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Tips for Market Research Firms
Most businesses have to transcribe meetings, conference calls, earnings calls and more on a regular basis. Market research mainly involves organizing processes to collect and examine information regarding target markets, customer profiles, competitors, market trends, customer satisfaction with products and services and more. A market researcher may need transcripts of in-depth interviews, focus groups or surveys to collect insights on any topic. For turning data into insights, market research firms can rely on professional market research transcription services.

Quality market research will help market researchers identify patterns, issues with their product development and sales processes, and conduct keyword searches. Audio or video recordings of interviews or phone calls can be recorded and transcribed into accurate transcripts that enable market researchers to quickly analyze the data they have collected.

Read the “Role of Business Transcription in Market Research

Consider These Factors While Choosing A Transcription Firm.

  1. Responsiveness – check out the turnaround time

Faster turnaround time matters. Know how long the provider takes to deliver transcripts. Experienced transcribers can deliver results quickly, meeting your deadlines. Even for bulk requests, professional companies will work to generate high quality transcripts within the turnaround time. Partner with a transcription company that has paramount experience in delivering timely scalable projects without errors.

  1. Accuracy level – know what to expect

Manual transcription beats automated transcription when it comes to producing the highest-quality transcripts. A reputable business transcription firm assures an accuracy rate of at least 99%. Make sure to examine the company’s level of service excellence. Check out the sample works provided in the company websites or consider asking for references from current or previous customers. Reliable companies also provide a free trial offer for their services before signing up. Transcribers also use software such as Stedman’s Spell check and Webster’s dictionary to provide reliable transcripts.

  1. Quality checks – how quality is checked

Professional transcription service companies like MOS Legal Transcription Service take the transcription reports through at least 3 levels of quality checking by editors, proofreaders and legal editors to provide 99% accuracy. Consider choosing a transcription firm that follows a comprehensive approach, is committed to quality and focuses on quality standards. Advanced Sound / Media Players and converters are also used to create accurate transcripts of audio and video recordings.

  1. Skilled transcribers – know who does your transcription

Professional firms provide the services of a team of expert transcribers, skilled analysts, qualified editors, proofreaders and subject matter experts, who can support businesses to successfully handle any project, whether large or small. Such companies hire only transcriptionists who have passed grammar and punctuation tests. They can distinguish dialects, slang, colloquialisms, and other cultural nuances, and improve the overall quality of documents. Choose a firm that has skilled analysts on staff.

  1. Competitive pricing – look for costs

Check whether the company’s transcription rates are affordable and within your budget. Also, ensure there are no hidden costs and long-term contracts. Before signing up, discuss the transcription pricing in detail and clear things out about the possible upcharges. Never prioritize cheaper costs above quality.

  1. Data security and confidentiality

Choosing a secure service is a must, as you may have to share even confidential recordings with the company to get them transcribed. A dedicated general transcription service provider will implement necessary measures to secure any information provided by clients. To ensure secure file transfer, most companies share files via browser-based drop box, secure FTP, 256 bit encryption technology, or other safe software systems. Other stringent security measures include making employees sign a confidentiality agreement to make sure that your data is kept both confidential and protected, taking monthly backups of computer systems, protecting computers with a strong password, 24/7 security services to prevent theft and/or vandalism and more.

Experienced research transcription agencies will also provide round-the-clock customer support to satisfy their requirements at the earliest. They’ll be dedicated to providing personalized customer service.

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