How Your Business Can Utilize Slower Work Times Most Productively

by | Published on May 8, 2018 | Transcription Services

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In today’s complex, hectic and collaborative workplace, downtime may be rare. Businesses across various industry sectors, their supporting business transcription agencies, and other partnering organizations all experience hectic workdays on a regular basis. However, every business environment has its own share of slow days, which can be put to good use. These quiet periods are the best occasions to hold team meetings and check out whether you are meeting your business objectives, address employee concerns and do other constructive things. Regular meetings are a great way to discuss any problems your team may be facing, and informed decisions can be made effectively. These meetings can be recorded and transcribed into accurate notes with the help of a provider of professional transcription services. This helps to improve communication and productivity of the team and thereby boost the growth of your business.

How Your Business Can Utilize Slower Work Times Most Productively

Businesses have peak seasons and off-seasons. You may have more customers at the end of a fiscal year, or during months popular for weddings, and so on. You may have daily, weekly, monthly or weekly busier times and slower times according to the nature of your business. Whatever be your slow season, it is the perfect opportunity to get prepared once again for your busy season. It is the perfect time to help your team rejuvenate, maximize their productivity, and sustain their enthusiasm during the slower times in their natural business cycles.

Here are some useful tips to follow that will help you make the best of the slow periods in your business cycle:

  • Seasonal slowdowns at work give you the opportunity to encourage your team to think on a higher level and contribute to your organization. Bring your team together to think more strategically, and start planning for the busy season ahead. This is the best time for creative team members to suggest new ideas that would benefit the company. Brainstorming sessions are important as it helps to analyze how processes can be streamlined and what new processes should be created.
  • Hold meetings wherein you can present your business objectives. Do not have a vague goal, make sure that your objectives are focused and clear to all team members. This will help team members work towards achieving those goals.
  • Communication is essential for any team to function together efficiently. Encourage your team members to clearly communicate their ideas and concerns. Team members must recognise their weaknesses, and be free to ask for any help. This will help a team to evolve. This type of work culture will foster personal growth as the team learns from itself.
  • Invite a speaker to an extended staff meeting that can teach something new to your team. The speaker can be from your own organization like an executive from another part of the company, a vendor or an experienced and senior employee.
  • Show videos during extended staff meetings. You can research on YouTube for instructional and entertaining videos that relate to your team’s profession and activities.
  • After each hectic business cycle provide a department lunch. You can also go for “pot luck” lunch where everyone brings a different type of food to share. Another option is to have everyone bring their own lunch and have it together.
  • Have a floating Friday i.e. allow one or more staffs to leave work early based on a pre-scheduled basis.
  • Take time to bond with each other. When your team gets more acquainted outside the office hours, they will grow to trust each other more, give and accept advice and help, and will work better as a team.
  • Cross train members of your team on each other’s job so that it provides free training to the team as well as helps increase future job assignments.
  • Invite your boss to a staff meeting and have him/her answer company- related questions for your team.
  • Have small one-on-one meetings with team members with the goal of helping them grow professionally.
  • Business downtime can be used to improve existing processes and projects. This can be done through benchmarking similar processes at other organizations. Alternatively, you can also experiment with options to find what works better.

The above mentioned tips should help motivate your team and increase their commitment and productivity. Slow periods in your business need not be a stagnant time. Holding team meetings is one of the constructive ways to make the most of your slow days. As a legal transcription company serving business entities in various sectors, we know how constructive meetings can be for any business team. It is the best time to review your business performance, and gather an idea about business projection by the year end. You can get to understand your strengths and weaknesses; identify areas of improvement and develop an actionable project plan with realistic deadlines to improve on those weaknesses. Slow days are when you and your team have breathing space to work on developing positive, productive habits, which are so important to ensure efficiency and productivity.

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