How Repurposing Your Podcast Content can Benefit your Business

by | Published on Jan 3, 2023 | Audio Transcription

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Repurposing Podcast Content
Podcasting is a unique way for brands to engage with their audience, expand their reach, and improve their overall marketing strategy. When supported by audio transcription services, podcasts with quality content can drive traffic and support your SEO strategy. Though podcasts are growing in popularity, there are people who don’t listen to podcasts. If your core audience is part of this group, you should know where to find them and how to reach them. The solution is to repurpose your podcast content and present it in a new and engaging format. Let’s see how this can be done and how it can benefit your business.

Benefits of Repurposing Podcast Content

Repurposing content for marketing purposes means altering its original form so as to reach more people. Podcasts can be repurposed into blog posts, articles, social media posts, FAQs, infographics, audiograms, email content, books, YouTube content and much more. By reformatting podcasts, you can present the content in a new and interesting way and expand your reach in multiple channels. The main benefits of repurposing podcast content are:

  • Reach a new target audience: By repurposing your podcast content, you can provide your existing audience with a new experience and attract a new target audience. Your podcast may have great content, but presenting the information in only audio format would restrict your reach. Repurposing your podcast into different content types will give you new ways of sharing your content consistently and creating brand awareness on other channels.
  • Improves SEO: Repurposing your podcast content, adding targeted keywords, backlinks, internal links, images, transcripts, and video and sharing it on various social media channels can boost your SEO and improve your search engine page ranking. In addition to podcast transcription, Google also indexes the spoken word or audio. With AI and natural language processing (NLP) advancements, podcasts are pulled into searches, providing more exposure for audio content than ever before. Linking back to your web page from authority sites will get more people to share your content on social media and even possibly link it their website, increasing your podcast’s visibility and authority.
  • Allows you to demonstrate your industry expertise: When your podcast is repurposed on social media, it will showcase your industry expertise. This will do a lot for your brand and encourage people to connect with you when they want more information about your product or service. Sharing your content in various formats will allow you to become an authority in your niche. This will open up new opportunities to generate both direct and indirect income for your business.
  • Increase brand awareness: Podcasting produces greater depth and detail about your company’s message. To enhance brand awareness, your offering needs to be visible. Repacking your podcast content or presenting it in an innovative way can expose your brand to people who weren’t aware of it and help build a community around it.

Different Ways of Repurposing Podcasts

Now that you know about the benefits of repurposing podcast content, you should know how to go about it. The first thing to consider is your audience, how they consume content, and where you can reach them. Here are 7 different ways to repurpose your podcast content, create awareness and interest in your podcast, and reach a wider segment of your target audience:

  • Leverage the power of the written word – turn your podcast into a blog post, article or ebook. Highlight the key takeaways or write a detailed blog with more information on the topic.
  • Record short videos of your podcast and post them on YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook. Short videos are easy for viewers to digest, especially for those who prefer visual content. Make video trailers to spark curiosity and videos to announce upcoming transcription company
  • Use images and infographics to create interesting content for social media and email marketing campaigns. Visuals are a quick and easy way to convey the important points in your message.
  • Create short audio clips, quotes, or graphics from podcast episodes and use them in email content. Produce an email newsletter exclusively for your podcast.
  • Take inspirational quotes made by your guest in an episode and turn them into an eye-catching social media graphics.
  • Create audiograms to share memorable podcast moments on Instagram or Facebook reels or TikTok videos. Combine visuals, movement, and sound creatively and present the repurposed content with captions.

Once you create an effective and engaging podcast for your business, develop a plan to repurpose the content in your marketing campaign. Many people prefer reading to listening. Transcribe your episodes with the help of an online transcription company and post them on your website alongside your podcasts. Podcast transcription can go a long way to make your content visible and accessible.

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