How Lawyers Can Leverage Social Media to Build Connections and Trust

by | Published on Dec 8, 2020 | Law Transcription

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Social media plays a vital role in helping businesses build a positive web presence, improve relationships with customers and stay competitive in the digital world. Supported by general business transcription service providers, companies are using social media for marketing, advertising, employee recruitment and overall communications with employees, clients, and partners. In fact, today, there is hardly any business that doesn’t use and benefit from social media. Lawyers can also leverage social media to build connections and trust.

How Social Media benefits Lawyers

Surveys have revealed that using social platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus can help lawyers distinguish themselves as trustworthy advisors, build strong networks, and grow connections. Being active on social media can help legal professionals:

  • Increase practice awareness among the targeted audience
  • Project an approachable, culturally relevant image
  • Engage with their target audience
  • Stay up to date with current industry developments
  • Expand their online presence and attract new clients
  • Share information on their services with their audience
  • Share useful and engaging content with potential clients
  • Demonstrate knowledge of their client’s business and industry

How Legal Professionals can make Social Media work for Them

  • Create a compelling profile: It’s very important to design a compelling, social media profile with the right keywords. The bio section is what visitors look at before engaging with a lawyer. Design a short, unique profile that grabs the reader’s attention by highlighting your educational background and accomplishments. Be original and tell people why your work is important to you. A well-written profile would project you as knowledgeable as well as approachable.
  • Post quality content: If you want people to engage with you, post quality, informative content on your social media pages. Your content should cater to potential and existing clients. Check out what your competitors are posting and strive to stay ahead of them ( Posting video content is the best way to retain your audience’s attention. Have an audio transcription service provider convert the recorded content to text and post the transcripts along with your videos to reach out to a wider audience.
  • Join Communities: Create a profile and join communities. Joining a community helps you build relationships, expand your network, and get useful information on topics that interest you. Facebook groups are a perennial favorite. Another legal community for sharing helpful tips and resources, Slack allows users to create channels for different topics. Lawyers can also leverage virtual happy hours on Zoom, Google Hangouts or other teleconferencing software to collaborate efficiently.
  • Use the right social media channels: Using effective social media channels is necessary to reach your audience. A survey by Attorney at Work revealed that 96% of the 302 lawyer participants used social media. Up to 84% were on LinkedIn, though 31% said that Facebook is 27% more effective than LinkedIn in attracting new clients.
  • Interact with your clients: It’s not enough to just post great content. You need to engage with your clients when you receive comments, questions and likes on your posts. This will help you build trust and grow your brand. If users ask legal questions, respond in a considerate way, but always encourage to contact you directly by sending them a private message. Make sure other users know you have done this.
  • Monitor what people are saying: Social listening or monitoring conversations on social media can help lawyers in many ways. First, it makes you aware about what’s happening in the legal field and the world in general. Importantly, social listening helps you understand what people are saying about your firm. By using popular social listening tools such as Mention, Keyhole, and SproutSocial, you can track any mentions of their law firm in blogs, discussions, forums and news. Analyzing the results of this data can help you develop a successful social media marketing strategy for your firm.
  • Request clients to post reviews: Client testimonials can go a long way in building trust and your brand. Ask clients to post reviews about your firm and your services on social media platforms. Surveys show that consumers trust a local business more after reading positive reviews about them. Client testimonials will let others know that people trust your services and are ready to vouch for your work quality.

Creating and posting quality content is necessary for social media campaigns. If you are looking to develop content from podcasts, videos and other multimedia, approach a legal transcription service provider. Expert transcriptionists can help you produce accurate content quickly and easily for your social media posts. Moreover, posting transcripts along with your videos and podcasts makes it easier for search engines to find and show relevant content to searchers.

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