6 Tips to Transcribe Remote Interviews

by | Published on Aug 1, 2023 | Interview Transcription, Digital Transcription

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Transcribe Remote Interviews

The prevalence of remote work has increased significantly in recent times. Remote interviews have become a crucial part of the hiring process. Interview transcription services are available to document remote interviews. Transcripts enable hiring managers to review interview highlights or occurrences that are worth noting and make the right decisions.

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Relevance of Remote Interviews and Their Transcription

The worldwide trend toward remote work has changed how businesses are run. Remote interviews show how adaptable and successful a company is in this evolving work environment. By holding interviews online, businesses show that they are open to adopting new work patterns and that they are dedicated to hiring the most talented individuals, regardless of geographical constraints. Remote interviews allow businesses to hire talent from anywhere in the world. Organizations may now access a wider range of perspectives, abilities, and experiences, which fosters innovation and promotes commercial success. Remote interviews have the benefit of saving both candidates and businesses a lot of time and money. They also offer ease and flexibility for candidates.

Once the remote interview is done, it can be transcribed.

Having an accurately transcribed transcript helps hiring managers in the following ways:

  1. Supports candidate assessment: The words that a person uses when speaking to other people can reveal a lot about them and help others understand them. If you have access to transcripts, you could look at these statements and assess the candidate’s compatibility with the company’s culture as well as with potential coworkers.

  3. Effective evaluation and comparison: HR professionals often conduct multiple interviews when hiring for a position. Transcripts allow them to review and evaluate the content of each interview more effectively. By reading the transcripts, HRs can compare candidates’ responses, qualifications, and suitability for the role. This aids in making informed decisions and selecting the most qualified candidates.

  5. Allows objective analysis: Transcripts provide an objective record of the interview process. HR professionals can refer back to the transcripts to ensure consistency and fairness in evaluating candidates.

  7. Ensures compliance: Interview transcripts serve as essential documentation for compliance and legal purposes. They provide evidence of the interview process, ensuring that fair hiring practices are followed.

  9. Promotes collaboration: With a written record of the interview, HR professionals can easily share interview information with hiring managers, team members, or other stakeholders involved in the selection process.

  11. Serves as reference: Interview transcripts can be a valuable resource for future reference. HR professionals can revisit transcripts to refresh their memory about a candidate’s interview performance.

Transcribing Remote Interviews

Remote interviews can be recorded using any smartphone apps or even use Skype or Google Voice. You may easily record your remote interview calls if you are using Skype on your laptop or desktop computer. When it comes to recording your phone interviews, Google Voice comes in useful. With Google Voice, you can record incoming calls without using additional third-party software. Simply pressing 4 on your keypad will begin the recording of the phone interview.

These recordings can be easily transcribed using the following steps:

  • Play the entire recording: Recordings can occasionally be complicated. It’s crucial that you evaluate a recording before deciding on the transcribing strategy. Before deciding whether to utilize an audio-to-text converter, outsource the transcription to a company, or do it yourself, listen to the entire tape. Look out for things like:
    • Amount of speakers
    • The recording’s duration
    • Technical language
    • Whether you choose to record the full discussion or just a portion of it.
  • Calculate the amount of time you’ll need: Estimate how long the transcription will take by analyzing your typing speed and the duration of the audio. It could take you seven to ten hours if you’re just starting off. The time it will take you to format and time-code the transcription should also be factored in.
  • Use the appropriate tools: A variety of tools are required to transcribe an interview:
    • a sound system
    • headphones
    • a word processor

    To efficiently transcribe interviews, you can take advantage of hot-keys that allow you to control playback functions such as play, pause, rewind, fast-forward, and time-coding without the need to remove your hands from the keyboard. To begin, you will need to download a free transcription audio player onto your computer. For typing the transcription, a word processing program is necessary. You can utilize the text editor that comes with the transcription software you installed, or choose an alternative word processor. Additionally, it’s important to have a pair of headphones to listen to the audio without interruptions and ensure accurate transcription.

  • Prepare the first draft: Once you have everything set up and ready to go, you can begin transcribing your audio. In the word processor, start typing the speech you hear without worrying about formatting at this stage. To maintain focus and accuracy, it is often beneficial to transcribe in shorter periods rather than trying to tackle the entire interview in one sitting. Taking breaks and dividing the transcription into manageable chunks can help ensure quality and prevent fatigue.
  • Utilize shortcuts: Using time-saving features like auto-correct or auto-complete is the most effective way to speed up transcription. You can keep typing with these tools instead of having to go back and fix every little mistake you make. For example, auto-correct will change your spelling if you unintentionally enter “THNAK” rather than “THANK.” You can also configure your word processor’s auto-complete feature to transform “YK” to “you know” or any other acronym of your choice. Additionally, you must include time codes next to any missing words, pauses, or phrases to indicate to the reader that such words or phrases are absent at that specific moment. If you want to use specific names later, you can use “S1” and “S2” for speaker 1 and speaker 2, respectively.
  • Format and proofread: Once you have written the entire transcript, you should listen to the interview recording and check your text to find any errors and put the time-codes in place. By doing so, you may fill in any gaps and add the required information to the transcript to make it easier to understand. The transcript must be formatted correctly for the reader to understand it. Change the font, break the material up into paragraphs, and add headers, titles, and page numbers, if necessary.

Don’t let the burden of transcribing interviews take up your valuable time and resources.

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Remote interviews have become a crucial component of today’s business environment. Organizations may access a larger talent pool, streamline their hiring processes, and thoroughly review each interview to select the best candidate by embracing remote interviews. Relying on professional digital transcription services can ensure reliable and comprehensive transcripts for evaluating candidates, maintaining compliance, facilitating collaboration, and supporting ongoing professional development in the hiring process.

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