Key Strategies to Consider for a Successful Crowdfunding Campaign

by | Published on Jun 20, 2017 | Digital Transcription

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Successful Crowdfunding CampaignThere are various ways to promote startups or growing businesses, and today, crowdfunding is trending. Videos are a key strategy in a crowdfunding campaign and digital transcription service companies often receive requests to transcribe these campaign videos. Other strategies that can be employed include social media, blogging, and pay-per-click advertising. Let’s see how a business can use these methods to maximize crowdfunding success.

  • Get active on social media: Use your social media networks to attract people to your campaign. Have a clear plan before you start your campaign and make sure that you are up to date on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and any other channels you are active in. It’s a good idea to create some buzz and interest in the campaign before you launch it. While your goal should be to make yourself visible to as many people as possible, you need to share other relevant content too. So when you post an update to promote your project or product, also share good content that is not your own. Take care not to be too aggressive in your fundraising approach.
  • Make an interesting crowdfunding video: No crowdfunding campaign is complete with a video. According to crowdfunding site Kickstarter’s experience, projects with videos are successfully funded at a much higher rate of 50% compared to 30% without videos. Here are some tips to make an interesting video that catches people’s attention:
    • Keep the video short – the average length is 1-2 minutes
    • Create an introduction that will intrigue your audience
    • Have a good narrative and depict it visually
    • Connect the video content to your brand
    • Appeal to your audience
    • Repeat your message and have a clear call to action
  • Ensure you have sharable information: Create simple, prewritten messages that you can share via email or social media. This will make the content easy to share and market through social media.
  • Successful Crowdfunding Campaign
  • Explain your goals clearly: Potential backers need to know what they are spending their money on. So have clear goals, set a timeline, and describe your project, including rewards that patrons will receive if the fundraising is successful. To earn support, provide background information and give context to communicate that meaning in a convincing way. Payments are made only if you reach your funding goal by the deadline. As Kickstarter puts it, this “protects everyone involved”.
  • Consider Pay-Per-Click Ads: An article in Huffington Post says that the average crowdfunding campaign raises less than $10,000. Investing in pay-per-click ads can drive traffic to your campaign website if you have a clear goal. Facebook ads work well to target consumers based on location, gender and other individual aspects such as specific values, attitudes, passions, and influences.
  • Engage dominant bloggers: Engaging bloggers and influencers are a great word-of-mouth marketing option for crowdfunding campaigns. For this, you would do some research on influencers and bloggers who you can approach to boost your campaign. Platforms like Klout and Krowdster can help in your quest for influencers to market your project.

When it comes to crowdfunding strategies, remember that video is the first thing most people will watch before they decide to support your project. So ensure you have a great video to connect to and attract your target audience. Depending on your brand and budget, you can get professional help to develop a unique video. Using a video transcription service can make your video accessible to a wider audience. Moreover, as search engines crawl text and use it for indexing purposes, adding transcripts to your video will allow search engines to comprehend the content on a deep level and boost your SEO.

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