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Businesses create audio and video recordings for many purposes – marketing, training, later reference, etc. MOS Legal Transcription Service has extensive experience in providing business transcription services for most industries. We have stringent QA processes in place to ensure transcription accuracy and timeliness.

In this podcast, Jessica Schwartz, Solutions Manager at Managed Outsource Solutions (MOS), discusses the 7 advantages of outsourcing transcription services.

Podcast Highlights

00:12 What is Transcription?

00:27 Advantages of Outsourcing Transcription

03:18 Conclusion

Read Transcript

Hello. My name is Jessica. I’m a solutions manager for Managed Outsource Solutions, and I’m here to talk to you about the seven advantages of outsourcing transcription services.

00:12 What is Transcription?

Transcription is the process of converting audio or video recordings into written or typed format. It can be time consuming and requires attention to detail, making it a task that can be outsourced to third-party transcription service providers.

00:27 Advantages of Outsourcing Transcription

Here are some of the key advantages of outsourcing transcription services.

  • Saves time – One of the primary advantages of outsourcing transcription services is that it saves time. Transcribing audio or video recordings can be a time consuming process, particularly for businesses that have a lot of audio or video content to transcribe. By outsourcing this task, businesses can free up their employees’ time to focus on more important tasks, such as core business functions or customer service.
  • Number two – It’s cost effective. Outsourcing transcription services can also be a cost-effective option for businesses. Transcription requires specialized equipment and software, which can be expensive to purchase and maintain. By outsourcing this task, businesses can avoid the upfront costs associated with purchasing, maintaining this equipment, as well as the ongoing costs associated with training employees to use it.
  • Number three – accuracy. Transcribing audio or video recordings require a high level of accuracy. By outsourcing this task to professional transcription service providers, businesses can ensure that their transcriptions are accurate and error free. Professional transcription service providers have trained transcriptionists who are experienced in transcribing audio or video recordings accurately and quickly.
  • Number four – expertise. Professional transcription service providers have the expertise and experience needed to describe a variety of audio and video recordings accurately. They have the skill and knowledge needed to transcribe different accents, dialects, and technical jargon. They can also transcribe different types of recordings, such as conference calls, interviews, or webinars.
  • Confidentiality – Many businesses deal with sensitive or confidential information, such as legal or medical records. By outsourcing transcription services, businesses can ensure that their confidential information remains secure. Professional transcription service providers have strict confidentiality policies in place to protect their client’s sensitive information.
  • Number six – flexibility. Outsourcing transcription services also provides businesses with flexibility. Businesses can choose to outsource transcription services on an as needed basis rather than hiring a full time employee to perform this task. This allows businesses to scale their transcription needs up or down, depending on their workload, without having to worry about hiring or laying off employees.
  • And number seven – improved workflow. Outsourcing transcription services can also improve business workflow. By outsourcing these tasks, businesses can receive their transcriptions quickly and efficiently. This allows them to move on to the next stage of their projects without delay, which can improve their overall efficiency.

03:18 Conclusion

In conclusion, outsourcing transcription services can offer many advantages to businesses, can save time and money, improve accuracy and quality, provide expertise, ensure confidentiality, offer flexibility, and improve workflow. So if you’re looking for ways to streamline your business processes, outsourcing transcription services can be an excellent option for you.

Thank you for tuning in to this podcast and we hope you find this information useful. Have a good day!