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In today’s podcast, Julie Clements, Chief Solutions Officer at Managed Outsource Solutions provides some valuable tips for students to improve their academic essay writing skills. She also discusses the benefits students can gain from the academic transcription service offered by a reliable provider.

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Hi there, this is Julie Clements again. I’m a Chief Solutions Officer here at Managed Outsource Solutions. Today, I wanted to talk to you about some quick tips to write a good academic essay. Who doesn’t love a good academic essay? It’s really important when you’re writing this report that you consider an academic transcription service that can also help you transcribe your audio recording research. Typically, the academic essay is an assignment students are asked to write in their university, and nowadays many students do utilize an academic transcription service to help them transcribe the lectures and interviews that they may have recorded. The essay is a clear indicator of how well the student has understood the basic course material and how much research they have done on the topic. It also shows the analytical skills of the student in selecting and commenting on the research material.

Thus, a good dissertation not only contains a compilation of research findings and notes, but also includes scholastic inputs by the author. The university rewards those dissertation theses that present a well-analyzed description of the topic. Essay writing skills will prove to be helpful if the student plans to go into an academic career or other fields where analytical or influential writing is involved. Given the importance of the academic essay, there are some tips students can follow to write a good essay.

The first one I like to talk about is just to make sure to pay attention to the structure of the essay. For easy reading and understanding, the essay must be divided into these parts – Introduction, Main Body and Conclusion. Introduction is where you introduce the topic to a reader. Every essay has an introductory paragraph and this paragraph should not be more that 4 – 5 lines, and should include the thesis statement. A thesis statement is a one- or two- line summary of the argument you make in the essay. It shows the reader what to expect from the essay.

The Main Body consists of most impactful and extensive paragraphs that are split up into sub-paragraphs that reveal your arguments that favor or oppose the thesis statement. The body of the essay is the main component of your essay, and a good one is composed of an ample number of paragraphs.

The last part of the essay is the Conclusion which should be short and simple, like “short and sweet” as we all like to say. It should also include a small gist of all the points from your Main Body.

Also ensure that all your sub-sections are well-structured. Start every paragraph with an argument or a statement that you are about to discuss. Explain your statement to establish that it’s true. Provide appropriate and confirmed evidence that would make a reader believe and agree to your points. And the verified evidence can be a real-life example, a quote, or well, like some well-known fact that everybody would know. Ensure that the paragraph contributes to the main point of your essay, and assures the reader that it is really meaningful.

Also prepare an outline of your essay. Most of the students might be a little too lazy to do this, but it is best to write an outline for each essay. even if it is a small one. Writing an outline doesn’t take more than 10 – 15 minutes. But it can make a huge difference on how you write your essay. It will help you not to forget the points and examples, and will kind of help guide you through the process of everything.

Please, I cannot stress enough that you make sure to edit and proofread. Once your final draft is ready, it should be edited and proofread so that there are no errors. Please set aside the essay for a day or more if you have the time, come back to it with a fresh mind and it will help you to spot any mistakes. Proofreading and editing is essential as it is important to ensure that your essay is well-written. Just like when you send a text to your friend, and you send it and you forgot to look at it, and you know, auto-correct totally changed what you said. It’s always good to reread before you send it.

And a big thing is practice. Keep practicing by writing more and more structured essays. After writing a number of essays, you will find it easier to write a structured essay in the correct way.

When writing your academic essay, make sure you study the topic carefully. Gather all of the information you need by doing research and reading. Make sure to note down all, each and every source that you use so you can give credit to them in your essay. Students should consider using or can consider using an audio transcription service to obtain transcripts of the research material they may have recorded. A professional academic transcription service understands the value of a good thesis and would provide customized transcription support.

If you have any further questions or want to learn more about this, you can go to our website –

Thank you so much!