Cost-effective, Timely Transcription Support for Growing Law Firm

by | Published on Dec 20, 2021 | Case Studies, Law Transcription | 0 comments

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LTS (MOS Legal Transcription Service), a Managed Outsource Solutions company, provides legal transcription solutions for law firms, attorneys, courts and companies. We were approached by the Troy L. Bowlin Law Office which handles cases related family law, personal injury, criminal defense, business law, civil rights litigation, and other areas for Hamblen County, Tennessee residents and the surrounding areas. With their excellent track record of handling such cases successfully, the firm has a highly satisfied clientele.
Law Firm

The Challenge

The client wanted reliable assistance for his legal transcription responsibilities as he was new to the job. He requested a trial and was very impressed with our services and turnaround time. Since he was in the process of developing his practice, he urgently needed efficient support for transcription.

The Solution

We are glad to say that we were able to meet this client’s expectations. We assigned him a team that could work as per his requirements. We were also able to offer a small discount on the per line rate. We felt that such support was crucial since the client was in the process of setting up and developing his practice. He was very appreciative of our small gesture.

The Result

The legal practice required our assistance for only three months. We were able to provide the required services in the specified turnaround time of 24 hours. Our support significantly helped the client, allowing him to concentrate on establishing his practice. He appreciated our support and was particularly impressed by our quality and cost-effectiveness.

The client finally got his practice running, but as the pace was a little slow, he found that there wasn’t much work to outsource to us. That’s when he began to handle the transcription task on his own.
