How To Create Podcast Show Notes

by | Published on Nov 23, 2021 | Podcast Transcription

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Many people prefer listening to podcasts because they can listen to them while trying to be productive doing other things. Podcasts are an excellent tool to connect with your targeted customers. It requires proper planning, good recording and editing to create an effective podcast. Importantly, a podcast does not become effective without its show notes. Shows notes are a text description of a podcast episode that you can upload to the hosting platform along with your audio file and episode graphics. Podcasters add show notes to their website in the form of a blog post to drive website visitors to the podcast. Transcribing podcasts could prove to be laborious. So, reach out to an experienced audio transcription service. We have professional transcriptionists who can transcribe long podcast episodes quickly and with utmost accuracy.

Following are some of the tips that will help you create show notes:

    • Transcribe your podcast: The first and foremost thing is to transcribe the whole podcast, and this will help you create show notes. You can either transcribe your podcast with the help of a transcription agency or by using transcription software that helps to create automated transcripts. Converting your podcast into text format has several benefits. It is easier to scan the text instead of looking for the information that you want to include in your show notes. It also makes it easier for the readers to understand what is being said instead of rewinding and listening over and over again.


    • Develop a template: The objectives of podcast show notes are two.
      • to generate listeners, and
      • to build a strong relationship with your current audience.


      To achieve both of these objectives, it is important to have accurate show notes.


    • Write a Google friendly intro: Make sure to include the name of episode number and icons for all of your sharable links, along with a 150- to 200- word Google Friendly introduction. This will allow your listeners to understand the main idea of the episode. Include relevant keywords and phrases so that your podcast can be easily found by the search engines.


    • Make a list of show topics: Apart from a Google friendly Intro, ensure that you include information about your episode in both paragraph and bullet point form to help appeal to different audience types that will view your show notes. The bullet points are useful for those that quickly skim through the show notes to find the information relevant to them. This bullet list should just be an outline of what you discuss in your show. Make use of the transcript to read and jot down the bullet points, which will be much easier than listening to the audio of your show.


    • Do background work on sponsors or guests: If you have a guest or sponsor for your podcast then they most likely agreed to work with you, because they wanted some backlinks and promotion. So, help them and appreciate them for their time and effort. Include some background information about your guest or sponsor in your show notes. This can include links to their websites and social media pages.


    • Links to additional resources: The podcast show notes should have additional resources like websites, books, news articles, movies, research etc that are related to your podcast. Adding clickable links about the topics and research you mentioned in your podcast, helps listeners enjoy the podcast and also build a deeper relationship with them. Providing additional information to your listeners also shows your listeners that you care about them.


    • Attach your podcast: Include links and icons on where to listen to the podcast or embed the podcast into the bottom of the show notes.


  • Add memorable episode quote: Go through the transcript of your podcast and find two or more quotes that you can highlight in your podcast show notes. These quotes should be snippets of dialogue that either you or your interviewee said that shows a unique point of view and also grabs the attention of your listeners. The main objective of using quotes in your podcast is to get more people to listen to your podcast.

From all the above-mentioned points, it is clear that transcribing your podcast into an accurate and clean transcript is essential to generate show notes that give a quick overview of the episode. For podcast transcription services, associate with a reliable transcription agency.

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