Benefits of Recording and Transcribing Customer Service Calls

by | Published on Jan 22, 2021 | Audio Transcription

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If there’s one reason we have done better than our peers…it is because we have focused like a laser on customer experience – Jeff Bezoz

Recording and Transcribing Customer Service

Up to 72 percent of businesses report improving customer experience as their top priority, according to Forrester data. Customer service calls are focused on improving the customer experience. Audio transcription services are available to convert voice or video call audio track into text. By recording and transcribing customer calls, businesses can get a better understanding of their audience and improve the customer experience. It will also help them track and improve the performance of their customer service teams.

Benefits of Customer Call Recordings

  • Improves Understanding of Customers: Every customer call provides valuable insights that can help grow your business. Recording customer service calls can provide a better understanding of your audience and help you work towards improving customer satisfaction. Listening to the call recordings will give you an idea about the strengths and weaknesses of your products/services and customer needs. By understand the needs of your target audience, you can match your products or services to meet them and boost customer satisfaction.
  • Helps Train Customer Service Staff: Monitoring the way your team interacts with customers can help you identify gaps and improve customer service practices. Recording calls allows you to see if best practices and defined protocols have been followed when dealing with customers. If a customer files a complaint, you can identify what went wrong by listening to the call recording. With the audio recordings, you prepare training programs and presentations to help teams to improve their communication skills, call etiquette and overall performance.
  • Supports Staff Motivation Efforts: Recording calls also allows companies to recognize and reward good performance by customer service agents. Calls that adhere to best practices can be played back during meetings to show how customer service is handled correctly. Recognizing individual performance can motivate and encourage other team members to improve productivity.
  • Helps Optimizes Sale Performance: The sales team can revisit the audio/video recordings and transcripts to understand what exactly the customer said. This equips the sales team with the information needed to understand the needs of prospects, meet their expectations with the required products and services, and build the company’s brand, all of which will go a long way in boosting revenue.
  • Promote Compliance: By recording customer calls, you can check if staff are following standard procedures. In fact, staff are more likely to comply with rules and legal standards when they know the conversation is being recorded. Miscommunication can lead to unhappy customers and potential lawsuits. With a clear and reliable record of customer interactions, companies can handle unwarranted claims easily. Recording calls can safeguard the conversation, serve as a point of reference, and protect you in legal disputes.

Recording Customer Service Calls – Know the Laws

Laws on recording customer calls vary among countries and even states. As recording the calls may be a legal requirement for some businesses, it is important to know the rules and record the calls to comply with the jurisdiction laws of the caller and the recipient. While laws in some states in the US mandate one party consent during a phone call, in other states, require all-party consent, meaning that all parties involved in the call should give their consent to be recorded.

Obtaining proper consent and complying with customer service call recording laws is essential. Companies should get the consent of the parties involved when recording video and audio calls. They should consult their legal team before setting up a call recording program.

Transcribe Customer Service Calls – Get Permanent Records

Transcribing telephone and video calls and analyzing the content can provide crucial insights to improve marketing, sales and customer service. With a permanent written record of the calls, businesses can:

  • Analyze trends and gain essential insights about customers
  • Identify specific problems
  • Improve and polish scripts
  • Compile material for training and awareness programs
  • Ensure permanent searchable documentation of calls

Bulk transcription of customer service calls is best handled by an experienced business transcription service provider. Expert transcriptionists can provide quick, top-quality voice-to-text conversion of important and sensitive customer support calls.

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