How To Follow Up With A Job Interview

by | Published on Oct 5, 2021 | Interview Transcription

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Job Interview

Hiring is picking up and digital transcription service providers are seeing a surge in the requests for interview transcription. Hiring managers often use interview transcripts to assess candidates. Coming to the job application process, few things can be more frustrating than waiting to hear from the company after you have been interviewed. If you really want to know your chances of landing the job, you can reach out for information. However, keep in mind that no matter how energized or impatient you are to hear about the results of your interview, you need to be patient. There may be several, even hundreds, of applicants, which can make the hiring manager’s task a challenging one. Also, being overenthusiastic can affect your chances of getting hired. Be pleasant and professional when contacting a prospective employer. Here are 4 smart ways to follow up with a company after a job interview.

    • Send A Thank You Note: Sending a short courteous thank you note by email after your final interview is highly recommended. Thank the person or persons who interviewed you and for their valuable time. Express your appreciation for the position you were interviewed for. Also mention what you learned about the company and that you are looking forward to hearing from them. Be as brief as possible and don’t repeat your qualifications, though it can be helpful to mention why you are the best candidate for the job.


    • Send A Follow-up Email: If you don’t hear from the hiring manager within the time they specified they would contact you with the offer, wait for a few days and send a polite, short follow-up email. Write your name, the date and time of the interview on top in the format: Jane Smith: Re interview for customer service representative, on Tuesday August 7, 11 am. Write a brief letter of about three paragraphs. Start by thanking them for their time interviewing you and mention that this is a follow up on the interview. Express your interest in the job and the company. Ask if they have any update to share and whether there is any additional information you can provide. Say you are looking forward to their reply.


  • Inform The Company If You Get Another Job Offer: Inform the potential employer if you receive a job offer from someone else. Write to the hiring manager, politely saying that you got another offer, but that you prefer working in this company and would like an answer from them before deciding. You can also inform them about any achievements added to your resume since you were interviewed by them. For example, Harvard Business Review article explains that if you applied for a patent related to the position you are seeking and receive it, sharing this information in the email, can impact the hiring decision.
  • Ask For Feedback: If you feel that the time has passed in which you could expect a positive response, you can send a brief email asking for feedback. Say that you enjoyed the interview process, meeting the recruiters and learning about the company. State that you would appreciate some feedback about how you can improve your interview skills and overall qualifications, so that you can present yourself more effectively in future.To summarize, here are some dos and don’ts on job interview follow-up mails:


    • Do send a follow-up email after your interview
    • Be patient – reach out to the hiring manager only after a reasonable period of time
    • Thank the hiring manager and express your appreciation of the company
    • Communicate your interest in the job and why you are the ideal candidate for it
    • Keep your follow-up mail brief and to the point
    • Ask for interview feedback if you are not selected


    • Avoid not following up or following up too aggressively with the company
    • Don’t contact the hiring manager if you are informed that have not selected for the position

Job hunting is tiring. Don’t stop searching for a job – stay positive and see setbacks as temporary. As the economy picks up and employment opportunities improve, there’s every chance that your next application will be the successful one. If you are being interviewed online, prepare thoroughly and practice. If you are using a platform like Zoom, you can record interviews and use the recordings to improve your interviewing skills. Listening carefully to the recording will help you improve things like stammers, stuttering, and other dialogue delivery issues. A article references Nicolle Merrill, a former career coach with the Yale School of Management, as saying: “Record yourself telling your story before you go into an interview. A strong professional story will set a confident tone that offsets the awkward start on Zoom.”

Companies usually record job interviews and get them documented using interview transcription services. Interview transcripts help to streamline the hiring process by allowing recruiters to screen candidates and better assess their performance and qualifications, which facilitates and improves the hiring process.

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