How Relevant Are Video Transcripts for a Law Firm’s Online Marketing?

by | Published on Nov 13, 2018 | Media Transcription

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Most businesses including legal firms are now including videos in their digital marketing strategy, as it is proven to be a great option to engage the audience and promote your brand. A LinkedIn report states that by 2019, the global consumer internet video traffic will account for 80% of all consumer internet traffic. Adding long-form video transcripts online can increase organic links and improve search engine rankings while making it easy for the reader to understand your services better. This textual representation of the spoken content in video and audio files as well as captions can improve user experience. For instance, if you are providing a lecture on litigations, a legal student or researcher can use it as a guide. Media transcription solutions for audio/video content provided by reliable firms can help legal professionals get accurate transcripts in quick turnaround time.

Video Transcripts

3 Play Media has reported a study by Liveclicker, which compared 37 web pages before and after adding transcripts. The study found that pages with transcripts earned on average 16% more revenue than they did before transcripts were added.

Types of videos lawyers often use for marketing their brand include the following.

  • Educational or how-to-videos – These videos allow lawyers to showcase their knowledge and expertise in their practice areas.
  • Video blogs – Lawyers can create a video blog that sketches recent courtroom or client experiences. This helps the viewer to find a solution for their own problems.
  • Testimonials and case studies – Videos of testimonials and case studies of your clients serve as real life examples, which improve confidence and trust in your services.
  • FAQ – Take a list of the most frequently asked questions and then answer those questions that will be helpful for your potential clients.

Search Engines Rely on Text

When you post only videos, there are chances that your video content won’t get enough traffic, as search engines will be relying on text to rank your site. Adding transcripts is a comprehensive way to inform bots what the video is about. In video hosting sites such as YouTube and Vimeo, searchable text will be available only in the title, a brief description provided, and in Meta tags. Make sure to provide key information about the video in these areas. The most effective solution to highlight your videos in search engines is to include a full transcript of what the video says. Identify specific keyword tags highlighted in your videos before you post it and make sure to include those keywords in your transcript.

Relevant description added to the video is also proven to attract bigger audiences. Adding closed captions is a proven way to make your videos searchable. Unlike adding a transcript of the video in the description, closed captioning is an option to provide text on an existing video, which is readable by search engine bots.

YouTube Transcripts May Not be That Accurate

While YouTube is using speech recognition technology to automatically create captions and transcripts for your videos, it may not be accurate enough in explaining what your video is all about. Using a human-based legal transcription service could be more advisable than machine-based transcriptions.

Paginated transcripts or breaking up the long-form transcripts over several pages can boost off-page SEO, as it creates opportunities to target additional keywords. It also provides internal cross linking opportunities, which improves SEO for your website. Even if your viewers can’t watch the video right away, transcripts allow them to see the content in the video.

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